Verdi Advising Money Diary

Verdi Advising Money Diary
Who is this for?
The Verdi Advising Money Diary was created for folks seeking more clarity and understanding of their financial habits — both for income and expenses. It works great for people with fluctuating or steady income, for individuals, or couples.
What is it?
The Verdi Advising Money Diary includes the following:
Google sheets template with:
Customizable expense and income categories
Breakdown of expenses and income on a monthly and annual basis
Goal setting opportunities for individual expense categories
Profit and Loss analysis
Credit and Debit purchase analysis
Guided reflections to help you stay or get back on track towards reaching your goals
Video Tutorial that walks you through how to use the template
FAQs doc that gets updated regularly based on questions from the Verdi community
Why should I use it?
If you ever have the thought, “Where did all the money go?” this is for you! The Verdi Advising Money Diary is an excellent tool to help you gain a deep understanding of your financial habits so that you are better able to make lifestyle choices that are aligned with your true values and goals.
What Are People Saying About the Money Diary?
The difference between the Verdi approach and everything else I've tried is that it's non-judgmental, realistic, and considers the value of not just what things cost, but how they impact my life in an emotional way. Money and spending can be an emotional thing, and Verdi recognizes that and takes out the drama, and the pressure I put on myself. The answer isn't that I need to cut out all the expenses that seem unnecessary (vacations, dining out, yoga classes, etc), but if they contribute to my quality of life and happiness, there are ways to evaluate and adjust my spending so I can fit these things into my life & budget without having to feel guilty about it!
We've tried meeting with other financial advisors / coaches, we've tried apps and websites such as MINT and YNAB (you need a budget). We always felt lost using those other options with no real guidance. The Verdi approach feels different because it holds us accountable for our actions!
Kara & Matt
The Verdi Money Diary is absolutely life changing. I know that sounds super extra but it really puts your spending in a perspective that doesn't feel other worldly, which lets be real, finance is like its own planet. It takes a more personable approach and makes you realize acknowledging personal finance is definitely not the same as getting clawed by a hungry bear in the face.