Posts tagged growth
What I've Learned So Far

I’m sure this is just as strange a time for you as it is for me, and while I don’t feel like I’ve had enough distance (haha) from the experience yet to fully understand the scope or impact, I do feel like I’ve already learned a few key things about myself and my business that are going to serve me way past this particular crisis. 


1 - Pregnancy is hard for a lot of reasons, but currently difficult because I know that at least some of my emotions are due to extreme changes happening with my body and with my hormones. Even though these emotions wouldn’t necessarily come up in the same way when I’m not pregnant, they are still real and deserve to be listened to and worked through. 

2 - I like rules (I already knew this, but perhaps not to this extent). Seeing local and state governments create requirements for how we live in this time is comforting. Knowing that no one else is out and about at events and restaurants potentially spreading a virus unknowingly (or, god forbid, knowingly) is comforting. 

3 - I am looking forward to a time of mass introspection. I know it will be difficult and I know our society is not prepared for this. I am terrified of what this means for the most vulnerable in our society and terrified for what this means for the semi-vulnerable. Simultaneously I have hope that society being forced to pull back from itself will give us space to better understand the needs that we have and the needs that those around us have. 


1 - I’m grateful that Verdi is already purely virtual. Yes, I speak regularly at events and I do occasionally meet a client in person, but the company is prepared and used to the virtual life.

2 - Even though my business structure is prepared for this crisis, the business offerings still need to be modified to better serve my clients and community. I’m really excited about this work because 1) I’m excited to be able to reach more people and help them with their finances during this stressful time and 2) I’ve realized how important it is for Verdi to be able to do more even when things are more calm. 

Expect to see some new things coming down the pipeline very soon: 

  • An update to my online budgeting course (lower price, more goodies!!)

  • Freebie webinars (topics & times TBD)

  • Updates my one-on-one and group coaching services (details coming soon)

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns or silly cat videos (I’m serious).

Stay safe and stay healthy.


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