A Cosmo-Esque Quiz: Is Your Relationship with Your Money Hot, Hot, Hot?

1. When your last credit card statement landed in your inbox (real or virtual) you…

  • A) Trick question! Your credit card payments are on auto-pay and that baby is paid in full. You only check your account for errors or fraudulent charges. Doesn’t everyone?

  • B) Deleted it without looking back (or threw it in the recycling bin)

  • C) Did nothing. It’s still sitting there gathering real or imaginary dust, but you will open it. You just need to work up your courage. 

2. You’re getting really serious with your boo. They tell you they want to have “the talk.” You know — the money talk. What do you do? 

  • A) You very maturely distract them with your wiley ways. Maybe they’ll forget they even brought it up? 

  • B) Yes!! You’re all in and ready to show them all of your accounts. You double check your Credit Karma password so you can be sure to share your most up to date credit score too. 

  • C) You reluctantly agree, but you’re strategic. You share some of your financial baggage, but not that one credit card you’ve been wishing would just disappear (à la Amber’s makeup credit card debt in Love is Blind)


3. Your mom just asked you about your retirement accounts. You…

  • A) Tell her all about your accounts. Yes, accounts. You have one pre-tax and one post-tax and know exactly what you’re invested in. 

  • B) You immediately google “What is a retirement account and how do I get one?” 

  • C) You remind her that you’re an adult and have it all figured out. You secretly hope that that thing you opened ages ago is still working. 

4. Your car just broke down. What do you do?

  • A) Ugh. You’ll have to make some adjustments in your spending, but you know you can handle it. You may have to put some of the expense on your credit card to start. 

  • B) You got this! You’ve been adding to your savings account every month for this eventuality. 

  • C) Freak out! If your next Coinstar run doesn’t cover this then you’re on your way to having the calf definition of a professional soccer player because you’re about to be walking everywhere

5. It’s been a rough day and all you want to do is treat yourself. What do you do?

  • A) Check your budget and your wish list first. You’ve been wanting that same pair of shoes for ages and you know you can swing it this month. Buy! 

  • B) Hop online and find all…the...SALES! (You get a dress! You get a pair of shoes! You get a swimsuit!) This is the point of a credit card, right? You’ll deal with the consequences later. 

    • C) Splurge a little, but hold back on that swimsuit you really want because you’re nervous that you already overspent. You’ll wear the dress with a side of regret instead. 

SCORING: 1. a-2, b-0, c-1; 2. A-0, b-2, c-1; 3. A-2, b-0, c-1; 4. A-1, b-2, c-0; 5. A-2, b-0, c-1

Titanic Steamy (7-10 points)

You and your money know each other well. You’re besties and you totally wouldn’t leave them to drown when there is clearly room on the raft for you both. 

Hot & Cold (4-6 points)

There are good days and there are bad ones, but you’re definitely not ready to put a ring on it. 

What relationship? (0-3 points)

You and your money have been on the outs for a loooong time, maybe forever. It is time for a shot of serious love stat. 

Regardless of your Money Relationship Status (MRS), you probably have some room for improvement. The real question isn’t if we could use some help (we all can), but what kind of help makes the most sense. 

If your MRS is Titanic level, you probably just need some tweaking or help with very specific issues. 

Verdi’s recommendation: Start with research on your own! Want extra help? Find a financial coach who will work with you one-on-one on the specific questions you have (psst...I do this).

If your MRS is Hot & Cold, you probably need help in several areas, but not on everything. Yay! Depending on what you want help with you may want a group coaching option, but if your focus is more limited you may want one-on-one help

If your MRS is non-existent you’re ready to inject some love! If you like groups and aren’t too scared of discussing money with others, the Verdi Money Club (or other group coaching) may be a great solution. If the idea of discussing money with others makes you want to puke, go the one-on-one coaching route. 


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