It Doesn’t Have To Be Terrible

My business coach commented to me the other day (oh, 👋 Mel!) that as I was explaining aspects of my work with clients I kept using the phrase, “It doesn’t have to be terrible”. Let me repeat that…

It doesn’t have to be terrible. 

It is something I said offhand multiple times, but once it was pointed out to me it has been rattling around in my brain and I just want to shout it from the rooftops. 


Finances are hard. Money is emotional, whether we are talking about our personal or business finances. Money skills are not taught in school and rarely taught in our homes. We are expected to be good with money, but don’t even know what that means. What “good with” means for one person is not the same as what it means for another and on and on and on we go with the complexities, the emotional baggage, and the societal pressure for perfection (and, again, perfection means what?!).

All of that is true. 

And it still doesn’t have to be terrible. 

If you want to get your financial life in order you can go about in a way that feels manageable and full of joy. You can have support to make the decisions and action plans you need to get on track. You can discover what “on track” means for you (and ONLY you!). You don’t have to be in it alone. I’m here for you! The Verdi Money Club is here for you! The club officially (🥳🥳🥳) starts on May 1, but doors to sign up start now. You can learn more here, book a call to chat with me about the details, or get on the waiting list here (if you are interested in joining, but not quite ready to commit). 

If this go around isn’t for you, that’s fine! If you want to do 1:1 coaching, that’s fine! If you just want to stick around for the tid bits in emails, but have no interest in working with me, that’s fine! If you want to unsubscribe, that’s fine too! It is ALL fine. 


It doesn’t have to be terrible. 

As always, I’m rooting for you. 


Caroline Snyder