
The Verdi Money Club

The supportive, joy-filled club for Folks who have fluctuating income and want to create a secure financial reality in their personal lives.


Money is GOOD. It allows you to live the life you want, you just have to learn how to make it work for you first.


Are you a good fit for The Verdi Money Club?


Y / N My income fluctuates from month to month or week to week

Y / N I am regularly stressed or anxious about money

Y / N I know that I don’t know everything I need to about finance (budgeting, investing, debt, saving…)

Y / N I’ve been trying to reach the same financial goal for way too long (i.e. getting out of debt, saving for a trip, making a career change, saving for retirement, saving for a house, SAVING ANYTHING…)

Y / N I love structure & accountability

Y / N I want to fix my finances with the help of a kind, supportive expert



Working with Caroline was the best decision I made when it came to empowering myself around finances. I went from dreading looking at numbers and spreadsheets to being excited to check my accounts and credit scores because I knew that I fully understood and had control over my financial well-being.
— Safiya

VMC Details:


Taking the overwhelm and fear out of your finances and equipping you with the knowledge to make it joyful and secure.


what you’ll walk away with:

  • A newfound, positive understanding of your personal finances and your money journey

  • Clear, actionable financial goals based on what you truly want from your lifestyle

  • A reframed money mindset that uniquely serves you and your money relationship goals

  • Simple, individualized, processes in place for tracking your spending, eliminating your debt, use debt strategically, improving your credit score, saving for emergencies and purchases, and investing for retirement and beyond!

What I really needed from this group was the emotional support and accountability to finally look at and deal with my finances after years of avoidance. I absolutely accomplished that and was able to raise my credit score from a ‘Fair’ rating to an ‘Excellent’ rating during the time in the course. I went from a toxic financial situation to having a healthy relationship with money. I could not have done that on my own.
— Jessica

VMC Logistics:

No cohorts are available at this time. Please join the waitlist below to find out when a new cohort opens!

All sessions are hosted virtually.

$225/month or $1,350 for all six group sessions, two individual sessions, personalized curriculum and one-on-one support.

Payment can be made in one lump sum or split into six monthly payments at no additional cost.

Caroline and the club makes a scary subject very normal and the information attainable to everyone no matter the skill level. I didn’t feel intimidated.
— Zelda



  • Club members will have personalized toolkits that help them feel secure working with fluctuating income

  • Club members will know how to analyze and track their spending

  • Club members will make plans (and implement them!) for how to modify their spending habits so that they can reach their money and lifestyle goals


  • Club members will have a full understanding of how debt works and the nuances that impact their relationship with debt

  • Club members will create their own unique debt elimination and management plans

  • Club members will plan for how (or if) they can use debt strategically to reach their goals


  • Club members will understand how credit scores are calculated & how to analyze their own score

  • Club members will create their own personalized plans for how to improve their score 

  • Club members will create plans for when they'll use credit vs. cash vs. debt (and why!)


  • Club members will clarify what they want from their savings so that they are energized and excited about their next steps

  • Club members will create short, mid and long-term savings plans based on these desires 

  • Club members will know where, how and why to save for their future selves. They will have opportunities to practice and refine their processes for sucess


  • Club members will know the basics of investing -- how the market works and what all those complicated terms mean

  • Club members will create their own investing philosophy and be able to use that to determine the best platforms and companies that fit their needs and values

  • Club members will have a plan for how and where they want to invest, whether for retirement or short-term returns  




Caroline Snyder, Verdi Coach & Founder

I am an avid runner, dedicated wine drinker, proud Mama of two littles, and financial literacy nerd. Finance was not my first love, but I am so grateful I found it. Prior to starting Verdi I was a high school Social Studies teacher and loved teaching about the historical cultural and social shifts that impact our current world. In fact, I was so turned off by finance and money that I avoided the subject at all costs (pun intended) until my late 20s when I was directed to teach finance as part of one of my classes.

As soon as I approached finances from an educator's standpoint, I became less terrified by my own financial situation and was able to gain the clarity and confidence needed to get my ducks (er, bucks) in line. I quickly realized that my true passion was bringing that same peace of mind to others. I went back to grad school, studied finance and worked in the industry before founding Verdi - a financial coaching company designed for feminists who want to create their own unique versions of financial success. I specialize in working with entrepreneurs, business owners & non-profit executive directors to create successful and financially sound organizations. I believe in the transformative power of mindfulness, financial empowerment and experiential learning. These areas of focus can be seen in all aspects of the Verdi coaching process.


Rather work with me one-on-one? I get it!

Sometimes that private, personal approach is exactly what we need.

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