Um, Did You Say Podcast?

It is HAPPENING Y’all!!!

ANNOUNCEMENT: My coaching roster is full for October, but I have spots open in November! If you’d like to learn more, go here or schedule a free consultation call with me here


Today is a really big day over here at Verdi HQ! For the last 4 months my husband (and business partner) and I have been working together on a very exciting new venture…drum roll please…

The It Doesn’t Have to Be Terrible Podcast!

You can listen to the first 3 episodes on Spotify or Apple Podcasts and you can watch the first three episodes on YouTube!  If you enjoy listening, please subscribe or share with your friends. That kind of support is incredibly helpful and meaningful to me.

Some of you may know this already, but I’ve been talking about starting a podcast for years.

I never felt like I really had the time to devote to launching a podcast, nor did I feel like I had as much direction as I really needed in order to make it well. And then, a few months ago, my husband made the decision to focus more of his career attention on Verdi and all of a sudden we had the capacity, expertise, and drive to get this thing off the ground! 

Ben handles all the backend -- lighting, sound, filming, editing, tech; and I handle planning the content for each episode. We film once a week and, as of now, our plan is to drop an episode weekly on Wednesdays while taking some breaks for holidays and family vacations. 

Ben and I have tried to collaborate closely on creative projects in the past and, quite frankly, it didn’t usually go well. Neither of us were good at taking feedback from the other and it often ended in a fight. 

So far the making of this podcast has been the total opposite. In fact, I’d say it has been pretty gosh darn delightful. 

I think a lot of the change can be chalked up to age, but I also think we are both more comfortable in our areas of expertise and no longer try to micromanage (let’s be real -- that was mostly me) the other one. We trust that we each know what we’re doing and can do it. And we do! 

So, what the heck is this podcast and why should you listen? 

The It Doesn’t Have To Be Terrible podcast explores the stories, questions, and topics that help us better understand how we, as individuals, impact and are impacted by the financial world around us. I’ll cover some of the same types of topics I write about here, but in more depth (sometimes in much more depth). I’ll also be interviewing guests about their financial journeys and will be sharing more about what goes on behind the scenes with my business. 

I would be honored to have you listen! 

And, don’t worry -- I’ll still be putting out this newsletter once a week. Nothing changes over here in Substack land.

As always, I’m rooting for you.


Caroline Snyder