Is Manifestation Messing Up Your Goals?

The Verdi Money Club starts in one week and Marguerite and I have been spending a lot of time thinking and talking about how to help club members reach their money goals. Reaching these goals can be very challenging, but we’ve often found that the more difficult part is actually determining what the goals should be in the first place.

Folks tend to go in one of two directions. Either they start dreaming about a financially perfect life and go overboard on the scale and number of goals to set for themself or they get so wrapped up in the how (i.e. I’ll order takeout only once a week, I’ll cancel all those subscriptions I don’t use, etc.), that they end up creating goals they feel like they can reach (or should reach) and not that they want to reach. Goals that aren’t aligned with your true desires are hard to stick with, but, on the other hand, goals that are aligned with your desires, but aren’t grounded in reality are fun to think about, but impossible to reach.

I was thinking a lot about this goal issue when I sent out a newsletter with some thoughts on the concept of manifestation a couple of weeks ago (you can read it here if you missed it). I shared how Marguerite and I get really frustrated with manifestation for a whole host of reasons, but one in particular that Marguerite brought up is especially relevant when talking about money goals. She told me about studies that show that if someone tells you you can get $5k by saying that goal out loud, and you say it, but you don't get the money, studies show you're likely to be hard on yourself, as if your "low frequency vibration" is a personal failing. It isn’t a personal failing! It is just indicative of something wrong with the goal. Maybe the goal itself isn’t based on your financial reality (i.e. you’re in school and lost your part-time job, but your goal is to buy a new car in the next 3 weeks) or maybe the action items that will help you reach your goal aren’t correctly aligned (i.e. you’ve decided you’ll save $300 a month by changing your food buying habits, but you don’t actually know what those habits are or how to change them), or maybe you don’t have action items to follow at all and you’re leaning in towards the extreme side of manifestation and hoping that saying your goal out loud will make it come true (it won’t).

Some folks are excellent at determining goals and action plans for themselves, but most of us aren’t -- myself included! Even though I can create appropriate action plans, I need help creating the goal itself. And that is one of the reasons we created the Verdi Money Club! Without goals it is hard to improve your financial reality, but with bad goals it is impossible.

We’ll help you figure out:

1) what you really want

2) what makes sense for you and your life right now

3) how you can get there and then keep going!

Does that sound like something you need in your financial life? If so, there’s only one more week left to sign up and we don’t want you to miss out! If you’re ready to join click here. Want to schedule a time to chat with us first? Click here.


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Caroline Snyder