Getting Back into the Swing of Summer Travel

This is the first summer since 2019 that I’ve traveled for fun. The last few years it just didn’t feel possible: 

  • 2020 was 2020, plus I was pregnant

  • 2021 still felt dicey, plus I had a young baby and was pregnant 🤯

  • 2022 I had two young kids (2 under 2!)

But now I feel the itch to get out and do! I want to see people, give my kids the opportunities to explore new places, and enjoy life after a few very challenging years. 

Here’s what’s on the list:

  • I took my kids to the beach with friends a couple weekends ago

  • This past weekend we visited my sister and her family in Minneapolis

  • We go to Florida with my husband’s family in a few weeks

  • I go to California to see friends at the beginning of July

  • My sister, cousin and I have a mini trip planned later in July

  • And then we have plans in the works for another beach trip in July and for a family trip to Montana in August

Even if the last two plans fall through, this is more travel than I’ve done in years and way more travel than my kids have ever experienced. It feels both comforting to be back to what feels like a more normal summer schedule for me and, simultaneously, it feels pretty overwhelming. 

Financially it feels overwhelming because I’m used to paying for one or two adults, not a family of four. On top of that, flights, gas, and most related travel costs are higher than they were in 2019. The numbers add up quickly and even though I’m not doing anything that I can’t afford, I’m not used to seeing these costs on my statements or Money Diary (curious about Money Diaries? Book a free consultation call with me or email me at

When my anxiety started creeping up around travel I assumed that it was just because of the money, but after the beach trip with friends where I ended up forgetting half of the clothes I thought I packed I realized that another factor - potentially a larger factor - is the fact that each of these trips takes an immense amount of time for me to plan well.  

I have always been a fan of packing lists. I keep ones on my phone so that all I need to do for the next trip is modify it for the number of nights away or weather. I like making these lists days or even weeks in advance (depending on the scale of the trip) so that if I need to get anything new to bring with me I have plenty of time to find the right deal. 

As a mother my love of lists has only grown, but the level of detail I need to get to in order to make sure we all have all of our bits and pieces is pretty obnoxious. My son has a lot of allergies and therefore needs to travel with several medications at all times. He also is still in diapers and diapers take up a crazy amount of space in a suitcase. Kids go through a lot of clothes. Kids have accoutrement (!!) that seems necessary (bibs, favorite toys, sound machines, etc). Some of that I could probably skip, but it all feels easier once we are away if I don’t. Life is easier if kids have some of the same things they are used to having -- they feel safer and therefore can have more fun. That feels worth it. 

And so, I spend a lot of time thinking about what they need and end up leaving myself as a deep afterthought. Hence, I showed up at the beach without shorts or either of the dresses I felt sure I had packed. I forgot my allergy medicine, but had every type of medicine under the sun for my kids. 

Thankfully I have several upcoming trips where I can try again. I’m giving myself even more time to make the list so that I can complete it without feeling rushed. I’m letting myself mull over the list over the course of a week+ so I have plenty of time for those middle of the night, “Oh yeah!” thoughts. I’m learning what I feel comfortable skimping on and what I feel better overpacking with. It feels like a lot of growth and learning in a really short period of time, but isn’t that true of so many things in life when you’re actually out there in the world interacting and experiencing? 

Overall, what I’m learning is that the more information I have and the more planning I do, the less stressed and anxious I become. I can’t control everything - or even most things, but I can make sure the Epipen is packed (lol) and that I have shorts to wear.

As always, I’m rooting for you. 



P.S. You know what happened last week? I helped one of my clients finalize her business runway so that she can comfortably leave her 9-5 and work full-time for herself starting in the fall! Woohoo!!